Scientific Research Journal CIDI 2024-04-19T15:33:22+00:00 Chief Editor Open Journal Systems <p>The journal <strong>SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH JOURNAL</strong> of the <strong>Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Intelectual</strong> <strong>CIDI,</strong> is led by an <strong>Editor in Chief</strong> and a <strong>Team of Associate Editors</strong>. <strong>Its objective is to</strong> disseminate the significant results achieved in the research work carried out by teachers and researchers. It is published twice a year, where multidisciplinary and intercultural topics are developed. <strong>The thematic coverage</strong> of the articles is: Social Sciences &amp; Humanities, Natural Sciences, Agricultural Sciences and Engineering and Technology. <strong>The target audience</strong> is made up of teachers, students and national and international researchers, among others.</p> Flood disaster risk systems 2024-02-13T22:07:52+00:00 Fortunato Paucar-Chanca Henry Paucar-Chanca Carmen Onofre-Lulo <p>A review of flood disaster risk systems is conducted, as they are fundamental to prevent, mitigate and respond to flood-related hazards. These risk systems are a combination of preventive, preparedness and response measures that seek to minimize the impact of floods on people's lives and infrastructure. The key is risk identification, monitoring, early warning, planning, land use planning, maintenance of flood control infrastructure, awareness raising, development of flood response plans, implementation of recovery programs, how reconstruction will be carried out, regional, national and international cooperation. It is concluded that flood disaster risk management systems are an essential component of the resilience of societies to this type of natural hazards. Their proper implementation can make the difference between tragedy and safety for flood-affected communities by enabling an organized response and faster recovery after a catastrophic event.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Research Journal CIDI Fishing structure and maritime development on the extreme southern coast of Peru 2023-10-17T00:36:59+00:00 Felipe David Ganoza-Aldana <p>The consequent study outlines schematic, systemic approaches and innovative objectives that lead to the understanding of autochthonous cultural development in the region, the coupling of Andean man to his environment, his respective social, economic, administrative and political organization, in this case, the fishing economy as an architect of the cultural development of coastal societies; the Andean socioeconomic, political, ideological, religious and cultural restructuring that would bring with it the meddling, usurpation and implantation of the already obsolete feudal and mercantilist administrative system by the avid Hispanic conquerors and how they will adapt and articulate this ancient form of government in the new, vast and differentiated territory and its population. It is about understanding, on the one hand, the reductive and dominant character of the Hispanic organization, and, on the other hand, the resistance, assimilation and positioning by the dissimilar Andean societies. The sociopolitical formation of the curacazgos on the extreme southern coast of Peru and northern Chile reflect the autonomous character of these coastal partialities, however, they corresponded to an organizational system of a larger nature; either in size and jurisdiction, called Señoríos, whose function was to ensure the political, economic and social stability of the partialities through the adequate redistribution of the goods produced and the strengthening of the ties of reciprocity and complementarity. The permanence of the coastal stately structures, after the conquest and implantation of the new Hispanic hegemonic system, allows us to contemplate the vitality and importance of the pre-Hispanic fishing economies in the New Spain world.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Research Journal CIDI Editorial for the Journal 2024 2024-04-19T15:16:32+00:00 Manuel Alberto Luis Manrique-Nugent <p>As we welcome the year 2024, we are filled with enthusiasm and gratitude to present a new stage in our joint journey of exploring knowledge. In this scientific journal, which has been a beacon of discovery and learning, we embark on an exciting chapter full of opportunities for innovation, collaboration and reflection.<br>Our commitment to academic excellence and the dissemination of knowledge remains unwavering. Each article published in these pages is a testament to the collective efforts of passionate researchers working tirelessly to advance their respective fields. As we reflect on the achievements of the past, we look forward to a future full of possibilities.</p> 2024-01-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Research Journal CIDI