The Valorization of Environmental Quality Standards and Maximum Permissible Limits In The Province Of Huanta, 2023

The Valorization of Environmental Quality Standards and Maximum Permissible Limits In The Province Of Huanta, 2023

La Puesta en Valor de los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) y Límites Máximos Permisibles (LMP) de la provincia de Huanta, 2023


  • Alexia Palomino-Ramos Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta, Perú
  • Celinda Consuelo Burga-Tarrillo Universidad Nacional del Callao, Perú
  • Olga Karina Durand-De-La-O Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta, Perú
  • Richard Olivera-Villegas Universidad Peruana Los Andes, Perú
  • Madison Huarcaya-Godoy Universidad Nacional del Callao, Perú



Environment, Elements, Substances, Health


In this research work "The Valorization of Quality Standards and Maximum Permissible Limits in the province of Huanta" allowed us to know the environmental situation of the mentioned province with the objective of identifying and valorizing the instruments of environmental management in the Peruvian legislation, which are the ECA and LMP Supreme Decree N°020-2021-MINAN. The ECA is responsible for environmental management by measuring the quality of the environmental status of the territory, establishing concentration levels of both elements and substances that are present in the environment but are not harmful to human health and the environment, its application is directly in the receiving body such as air, water and soil (Environmental Connection, 2021). The LMP is in charge of measuring the concentration of certain elements and substances that are expanded in the territory and when exceeded can cause damage to human health and the environment, its application is at the point of discharge and emission (Conexión Ambiental, 2021). The ECA is a right of all citizens of a country or state while the LMP is an obligation of the sectors that generate emissions, discharges and effluents of the environment (Mendoza, 2017) This research has a qualitative approach in which the survey of the population of Huanta was used.


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How to Cite

Palomino-Ramos, A., Burga-Tarrillo, C. C., Durand-De-La-O, O. K., Olivera-Villegas, R., & Huarcaya-Godoy, M. (2023). The Valorization of Environmental Quality Standards and Maximum Permissible Limits In The Province Of Huanta, 2023: La Puesta en Valor de los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) y Límites Máximos Permisibles (LMP) de la provincia de Huanta, 2023 . Scientific Research Journal CIDI, 3(6), 70–87.

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