Technology in the continuity of education during the Covid-19 pandemic
La tecnología en la continuidad de la educación durante la pandemia Covid-19
Technological platforms for education, virtual learning environments, pandemicAbstract
This paper aims to describe the role that technology has had in education during the course of the pandemic for the continuity of educational activities. The research corresponds to a literature review article, for which a search for articles published in the SCIELO magazine was carried out using the following descriptor "Technological platforms for education", limiting the search for information to articles published during the period 2018-2022. Results: The results obtained show the change that was experienced as a result of the pandemic, that is, changing the traditional pedagogical way that had been carried out in teaching to a new way of teaching where technology is the main axis so as not to paralyze the educational work as a result of mandatory confinement that was ordered. The literature review shows that the technology reflected in the use of various virtual tools helped the continuity of education worldwide, turning students into active learners, and maintaining more fluid communication with the teacher, in order to that stimulate the learning of the subjects or courses taught.